If you are a citizen outside of Greece, shipping the products is done with POST OFFICE or TNT COURIER. The shipping cost is based on the weight of the product. Send us the product code that you want with your address and zip code and we will reply directly with the shipping cost.Delivery time is about 4-6 days. Payment is made through PAYPAL to the link on our website. Once you have completed your payment we send the product you need.

Deliver products for GREECE.

1. For purchases with a value of EUR 90 or more, the transport costs are covered by us for delivery to our partner agency in Athens. If you are from another region of Greece always in consultation with us, we will find you the most economical solution for delivery wherever you are .Free delivery excludes products with a large volume of eg. Concrete mixers, dredgers ... but again we will try to find a solution to your interest.

2.Delivery of small volume products is done through ELTA COURIER with a minimum charge of 3.30 Euros up to 2 kilos (every extra pound + 1 Euro) at your headquarters if the first bank deposit is made, if the payment is made by cash on delivery, there will be an extra charge of 2.50 Euros.

3. If you have a bank deposit and your parcel is small we will send it by courier to your place for a fee of 3,30 euros to 2 kg (each extra pound will be charged with 1 euro).

Payment of products

Payment can be made in one of the following ways

  • By cash on delivery (at no extra cost) at the headquarters of the shipping company we are working in Athens upon receipt of the products.
  • By courier delivery where you are at delivery as long as the package is small and at an additional cost of about 5.40 euros to 2 kg (every extra pound you charge with 1 euro)
  • By depositing on the following bank accounts (Please send us the deposit via e-mail after the deposit)
  • Piraeus Bank GR 9801727610005761068072599
  • Pancretan bank GR 7008700090000000007038050
  • National Bank GR 4801102040000020462825397